Saturday, August 27, 2011

The body rituals of the Nacirema

This article is the kind of reading that only makes sense once you read it the second time
around, this is simply because of the way the author has written it, the writer wrote article to make a statement, and make the readers think, he wanted us to think about life, and how we look at it with out even realizing the fact that we are not alone on this planet. The world is filled with people that are completely different from each other, people from different far away countries, people who speak different languages, people who look nothing like us, the one thing we have to remember through all this is that they may not have seen anyone like you in their past, so you are something new to them too, in a world that is becoming smaller by the second, we have to wake up each morning to face something in our day that we have never seen in our life before.

The tone that is noticeable in this article is exemplified by paragraphs 1,2,3,4,5,and 6. the writer wanted the reader to think that he was writing about this lost tribe that existed many years ago and conducted all these rituals, but in fact he is talking about how the American people believe that the looks of a person determine how wealthy they are where they stand on the societal scale, the writer by the end of this passage conveyed to the reader that the people of the Nacirema tribe are a self centered people who only care about personal gain, all this is described in a restrained and reflective tone. The writer achieves this tone by never coming out and pointing his finger at the American people, but by describing the facts, in a poetic manor to the reader who eventually drowns in all the interesting facts they have been given by the writer.

A few of the other things members of other cultures may fins different or surprising about us are for example; the way we eat, we as an people are known for the over buying of food, and wasting it, people of the world many times think that we could be better about not buying too much food and in turn conserving food for the starving people in out society.

Another major difference we may have with other cultures from around the world includes how we practice the act of “personal space”, personal space is an luxury in many countries from around the world, but not to us in America, we love having open spaces around each other, and even when we are driving, we like to have our own space in every aspect of our daily life.

How we are highly depended on other countries to help make our country move forward, is another ting that people from other countries may find surprising, the high demand we have for foreign manufactured goods is an astonishing amount, we are the most powerful nation under the heavens, and we are not even close to being an self sustaining nation.

An organized form of government of the people, this is something many cultures from around the world may find interesting, because they may have never experienced anything like it in their lifetime, our highly organized form of government ensures the fact that every one is an equal in the eyes of the law.

Technology and communication, we as an nation are always connected to one another, as we are one of the worlds most technologically advanced society, we have to do less work than say a man from Nigeria, this is because we have the superior hand of technology on our side, much of the work that used to be required to be done by man is now done by an electronic machine, not all countries in the world have this opportunity.

Many on the things we do in out daily life can simply be explained by saying “ That’s just the way we have always done it” but the truth is that we have not always done something the same way, if we had done something the same way for the last 100 years we would not be in the category as an modern country, we as an nation have evolved in to the stage we are in now, we have stared destiny in the face and made it ours this is what makes us what we are today.

On a more personal note I have come across many different people and things in my travels around the world, for example this one time when I was in Singapore, we were stuck at the airport because our connecting flight was running late, so the airport executives gave every one in our waiting flight a free tour of the country, in a beautiful boat, the city was just breath taking, and people in Singapore were the most hospitable people I have ever been in contact with in my life, when most Americans thing about hospitality we think of the southern states, and pecan pie, but when I think about hospitable people I think first about the people from Singapore, this small country has been governed by European powers for hundreds of years, and at the end of it come out an shining star of friendly people and a global symbol for diversity.

The world has over the millions of years gone through many changes, all the changes that took place can be see all around us today, we are the changes, the changes put in place to make new better changes for the feature generations of humans on earth. As the human race we have been a species that is constantly evolving in to better things because we have constantly asked ourselves questions about our existence and and about new place that have yet to be discovered, this is what has helped us survive so far in time.

We a re all different, and this is for a good reason, if we all looked like each other, and spoke kike each other and dressed like each other we would get tired of our self, people are different from each other because they have been touched by different events and experiences in their lives, this in now way is a bad thing , because we are all different from each other we all have something to share with each other, imagine if you lived next to the same person from the time you were born to the time you died, what would you say to them after living next to them for 60 years? We crave that special feeling we get when we get in contact with something new, this is just how we were made, this is what our genes are made of, this is what we are bred to feel. We as an human race need each other to survive , so we must respect the rituals that are conducted in other cultures, even if we do not agree with them.

No one culture is better than the next one, we were all formed from the mistakes and advances of our ancestors, we must all be proud of what we are and celebrate the lives we share on this planet.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


The way people react to something depends on the point of view of the person on the topic, for example: Natural disasters, when an natural calamity occurs in an foreign country we don't really care as much as we would if something happens in out own country, many people jump in to the situation to lead an helping hand to the ones that are hurt, this is not to say that their are no people that care about international disasters, millions of people gave help in many different ways such as giving money, or even traveling to the disaster site to do what ever they can to help make the situation better for the people that are from the disaster site. This is simply just the way humans think, we may not want to be selfish but over time we have just grown accustomed to this feeling, this in no way is wrong of us, but at the same time it is nothing to be proud of, we just have to ask our self a simple question " how would i feel if this happened to me?".